Labor Day and such

Labor Day weekend was the last three-day weekend for, well...a good while and so we planned to pack as many activities in as possible.  And by "as many activities as possible", I mean drinking, eating, climbing, cycling, running, swimming, waterskiing, jetskiing, hiking, gun shooting, and game-playing (Bunco, anyone?).

We were semi-successful.  Barkernews and I were thwarted on our cyclocross ride by a flat tire (his) and a lack of tube for said flat tire (ahem).  I guess that 3 miles kinda counts as a training ride, if it's followed by shooting guns, right?  Or is that some sort of weird biathlon?

The climbing...that DID happen.  The Labor Day Gods smiled upon up with weather in the 70s instead of the typical 90s- perfect climbing temps.  We went twice and were able to get both Ailey and her counterpart, Ritchie on the rocks:

As for me?  I got to practice my sick "lead this easy route and then set the top-rope up" skills, along with my wicked belay bitch abilities, which is cool because turning people in to rock climbers is not just a vocation, it's a MISSION.

I heard a rumor that it rained in Stumptown while were gone and so I laughed.  And then karma came back and bit me because see this?  This is us hightailing it out of our Ancient Lakes hike to beat the rain.

We just barely made it, so we celebrated by hitting up the winery and wine tasting and wine tasting and, uh, tasting some more wine.

Barkernews pretended to win at dominoes that night, everyone ate too much, shot some guns, went jetskiing (Barkernews and I went 65mph!) and went home.  As Labor Day weekends go, it didn't suck.

The next day, I woke up and dragged myself to the first day of school where I acted peppy for 7 hours and then came home and collapsed.  Such is the punishment for having too much fun.

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