Fall is upon us which means that it's dark.  All the time.  It's dark when I wake up in the morning, it's dark when I leave the gym in the evening.  It's just DARK.

Barkernews and I's response has been HIBERNATION.  We are no longer able to stay up past 9:30pm and when the alarm goes off at 6:30am, we stumble around as if we have been woken suddenly by a gun-wielding burglar at 1am.

Due to hibernation and other life conflicts, I must admit that we have become rather boring people in the last two weeks.  We were both struck with some sort of weird virus that made our stomachs twist in knots, gave us low-grade fevers and made us generally exhausted, even with a 9:30 bedtime.  So there went a week of total lameness.

Then, we were forced to stay in town and miss cyclocross racing due to Ski Patrol training.  In essence, it wasn't a bummer because we both love Ski Patrol.  And, as a bonus, Marissa and Nate came to town for the weekend to watch Hazel.  Whenever they come, it's like they host US, instead of the other way around.  Marissa cooks amazing food, Nate looks for home improvement projects and Barkernews and I just do the dishes.  Have I mentioned that THEY ARE RAD??

Now here I am in to our second week of boringness with nothing to report.  I am growing antsier by the day to go somewhere and do something exciting.  I think The Hizz feels the same way.  She told me as much when I put her to bed tonight.

I hate to let Hazel down, so she and I and Heather are headed to Astoria this weekend for a double header of Halloween cyclocross racing.  The only bummer is that we have to leave Barkernews at home. (BOO!)  He's on call and it may look kind of bad if it takes him two hours to show up at a house fire.  Ky generously volunteered to watch Hazel during my races, Heather was willing to drive AND stay with a 15-month-old (I think she is on drugs) and we found a cheap motel which hopefully does not rent by the hour.

I also have a costume for the first time in many, many years.  Halloween is really not my kind of thing (apparently, The Hizz is not so in to it either), but I decided to stop being so bah humbug about the whole thing.   I won't tell you yet what or who I will be, but trust me, it isn't that awesome.  It is, however, awesome enough to race in.  I think that's all that matters.

Without further ado, I am going back to my boringness.  Bed time calls.

Oh yeah, and here are some pics from our hike to McChord Creek Falls and Elowah Falls with Marissa and Nate.  I guess we haven't been boring 24/7.  More like 23/6.

Our first family picture in a while.  Too bad it's so blurry.  Oh well, The Hizz looks good!

The Hizz is very close to walking.  She can, in fact, take 4-5 steps on her own.  However, she refuses go any further until she nails those steps perfectly.  Stubborn, she is.

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