Out with 2009, In with 2010. For real.

Everyone I know has posted their 2010 goals/resolutions/reasons to go to the gym on their blog, so I guess I should do the same, if only to get it out there and hold myself accountable.  Besides, if the cool kids are doing it, then I should definitely do it too, right?

First, a little recap of 2009:

1. I went back to work after 6 months of maternity leave.  I was SO HAPPY to go back.
2. I skied 30 days that winter.
3. I bike raced more than 40 times.
4. I met some new, and now close, friends.
5. Our family camped over 10 times together, hiking around or on most of the Cascade volcanoes within a 3-hour drive of Portland.
6. My daughter turned 1.
7. I took up the sport of cyclocross and *ahem* loved it (damn you, Barkernews).
8. The Hizz and I spent one spectacular, memorable summer together.
9. I placed second in my age group in a triathlon, my first podium ever.
10. Barkernews and I celebrated 10 years since our first date.

Nothing too insane, like having a kid or getting married, but notable in its satisfying tone none the less.  It was a great year.  I was in better shape than I was pre-kid.  Barkernews and I really became part of the bike racing community.  When I think of 2009, I will think of it with an all-around sense of general happiness.  I am pretty sure you can call that a success.

Now, on to 2010.  Resolutions aren't really my thing, but goals are and I've got a few of those.  Here ya go:

1. Ski 30 days between Jan. '10 and Dec. '10.  This repeats the amount of days from the previous year.  While I would like to increase that number, I am also realistic.  I do have a job and a kid and a husband and other hobbies.  I was up to 15 by the time I left Colorado, so I think it's doable. 

2. Thoroughly clean out each room of my house.  This is a BIIIIIGGGG project, and one I am not too thrilled out.  But it needs to be done.  Six years of living here has taken its toll.  Anyone need 10 pairs of stretched out cycling socks?  How about a women's size 6 pair of mountaineering boots worn ONCE?

3. Read 1 book a month.  This may seem easy, but during the school year (during the summer, I read voraciously), I am often so tired from working/working out/making dinner/taking care of Hizz/checking Facebook that all I want to read is one short magazine article before I go to bed.  Being a member of a book club will help.

4. Go to Teatro Milagro for four performances.  In my effort to be a well-rounded person (see #3), I am also intent on attending our local Spanish-language theater.  Lucky Barkernews, a non-Spanish speaker!  We start this coming Thursday, with tapas and American SueƱo.  

5.  Rock climb every two weeks.  Sadly, this will be happening at the gym.  Happily, this will probably be happening with Ky, followed by margaritas.  I really miss climbing, a fact I have alluded to too many times to count on this blog.  The gym is just a stand-in until Haze can hold her own on the rock.

6. Finish that pesky master's degree.  For real.  I have to finish the program by 2010, so there you go.  The goal was set for me.  The only things standing in my way are a research paper and an internship.  Three words: GET IT DONE.

And some super-secret goals I can't share with the internet.  Sorry, internet.

Phew.  That's done.  Here are my races for 2010:

1. Banana Belt Road Race #1, 2/28
2. Banana Belt Road Race #2, 3/7 (dependent on snow conditions and a possible work trip to DC)
3. Banana Belt Road Race #3, 3/14 (unless it's a powder day)
4. King's Valley Road Race, 4/10 (unsure about this one, unless they create a dedicated Cat 4 group)
5. Cherry Blossom Stage Race, 4/23-4/25
6. Hawthorne Farms Sprint Triathlon, early May
7. Silverton Road Race, 5/16
8. Spring Festival Sprint Triathlon, 5/31
9. Blue Lake Sprint Triathlon, 6/5
10. Pacific Crest Olympic Triathlon, 6/27
11. High Desert Omnium, 7/10-7/11 (VERY dependent on the arrival of my niece or nephew!)
12. OBRA Road Race, 8/7
13. Portland Triathlon (sprint), 8/22

And, of course, the Mt. Tabor series and the Monday PIR series.  After completing a season of cyclocross, I am now seriously thinking about doing a couple short track mountain bike races too.

That is all.  Happy 2010.  Mine started fabulously.  Yours?

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