My sister is getting married next week. I am the matron of honor, therefore I was in charge of the bachelorette party. Let's be honest: words like "bachelorette party" make me cringe. They are right up there on my gag list with "baby shower" and "wedding brunch". When I called my dear sis and asked her what she wanted to do for her party, I silently prayed she would NOT say Las Vegas. I hate Vegas. Furthermore, I hate spending the money to get to Vegas.
Fortunately for me, I have a super rad sister. You know what she wanted to do for her bachelorette party?
I love my sister.
We went skiing. We drank a lot. We ate a lot. And I hope we sent Ailey out of bachelorette-hood with style.
Day 1: Stevens Pass. Pulled pork. Lots of alcohol.
Day 2: Mission Ridge. Shots. German restaurant. More shots.
Day 3: Sleep in. Detox.
It doesn't get much better than that.
Hot ski chicas at Stevens Pass.
Ailey shows off her amazing bridal one-piece ski suit.
Girls on planks. Most fun bachelorette party ever.
"Let's hike the ridge and ski that double black diamond chute!" my pregnant sister-in-law exclaimed. Who am I to argue with a pregnant woman?
About to drop in to some sweet bowls at Mission Ridge.
Umm...after-dinner refreshments.
Somebody has a real obsession with Twilight.
If my liver and my wallet could take it, I would organize a bachelorette party like this every year.
Yeah, it was that awesome.