Even in May. You know, when it's supposed to be at least 60 degrees? Yeah, it's still wet and cold in May, so wet and cold that you want to buy that $1000 same day ticket to Hawaii before you go insane.
My in-laws came last weekend. Predictably, it was ridiculously wet and cold. So much for "beautiful Oregon". We went outside anyway and the whole time, I wanted to scream obscenities at the sun. I didn't. I drank my coffee and only complained a little.
Well, okay, fine. I complained A LOT. But I think it was justified. I mean, it's FREAKING MAY! C'mon, Oregon, throw me a bone!
A bright spot amidst the crappy weather: Hazel's first gun! And it's pink even! So, how old does she have to be to shoot a gun again? Two? Two and a half?
If you hike to Upper Horsetail Falls on a rainy day, it will be just as wet underneath this waterfall as it is outside this waterfall. I have done the research. I know.
Apparently, Haze is a Tough Mountain Girl and I am not, because she didn't even want to put on her rain jacket.
Oh, hey look! It's still May and I am still wearing a coat!
The sun made some very brief appearances on Sunday. I took off my coat, put it back on, took it off, put it back on, took it off- you get the idea. The clouds won.
Hizz and her grandparents. They all adore each other. When Barkernews and I would stop to wait for them on the hike, Hazel would yell from her backpack, "POPPY! POPPY! POPPY!" until they showed up.
We ended our weekend on a dry note and took advantage of the lack of rain to hit up a local urban climbing area which shall remain unnamed. Joe graced us with his presence and Hazel explored all things railroad. Everyone still had to wear long sleeves.
One day, spring will come.
Not to fear, there wasn't an actual train in sight. There were, however, a whole lot of "CHOO CHOO" sounds coming from a certain toddler.
A little bit of leading on typical, west-of-the-Cascades, dirty rock.