Before the race, Greg introduced me to the concept of "kill rate". This is the number of people you pass in a race. Kill rate on the bike? Very, very positive. Kill rate on the run? Disappointingly negative. Meh.
After the race, we met Barknews and The Hizz for lunch and then promptly headed to the desert, where it was purported to be sunny and hot. It was. We parked ourselves next to the Deschutes River and spent hours throwing rocks in to the water with Hazel, reading and just chillaxin'. Best way to spend a Saturday afternoon ever.
On Sunday, we did a little exploration- of the White River Falls and the Gorge Discovery Center. Neither Barkernews nor I have really ever been to that part of the Deschutes River, nor White River Falls nor the Gorge Discovery Center (despite many days spent in The very sunny Dalles). We loved it and mused about how we tend to visit the same places over and over again because we, well, we love those places and hold them dear in our hearts. But we also desire exploration, even if it's not very far afield.
I competed in a triathlon, we explored the desert and we were home in time to unpack in 15 minutes, make dinner, take showers and go to bed by 9:30pm. Now THAT'S what you call a weekend.
This week brings a lot of activity to the Barker house: ski patrol meetings, Mt. Tabor racing (finally!), long runs in preparation for Pacific Crest, a re-introduction to mountain bike racing (how do I ride a mountain bike again?), and a camping trip to the beach. Other people may think it impossible to get away as much as we do and still make it through the week. I, on the other hand, NEED our weekend trips to rejuvenate me for the week. I need that time devoted to my husband and my daughter and yes, even to me. I need to see beautiful places and revel in the sunlight, and take the time to imagine that those moments can and will last forever. Our work weeks are not difficult and they are busy and full by deliberate choice. But our weekends? That's the core of this family's time together and I want to keep it that way as long as possible.