Recovery has been kicking my ass. Second degree tearing is no joke, you guys. I had 3rd degree tearing with Hazel, but like an idiot, I did too much too soon after I had her and I paid for it.
This time, I am determined to prolong recovery in order to speed up my return to fitness. So I have been doing a lot of sitting. At some point though, sitting and looking at the beautiful sunshine without actually doing anything IN the beautiful sunshine gets to you and you have to get out.
Or, in my case, you have to walk up the hill to the local bar to have a drink. Which is what I did, exactly two weeks to the day that Tygh was born and the first day my doctor gave me permission to walk up the hill.
Yes, I was sore later. But that cocktail was DELICIOUS.
The next day, Barkernews and I embarked on a short (2.5 mile) and easy (400 ft. elevation gain) hike to Ponytail Falls. Because I couldn't stand it anymore.
We dropped the Hizz off at school because everyone knows that 4-year-olds hike even slower than postpartum women with perineal tears, and took off for the Gorge.
It was slow (on purpose) but the company was fine and the views were beautiful. Tygh, on the other hand, could have cared less. That's the beauty of hiking with a baby- super portable and happy as can be in the Moby wrap.
It was a start. A very small start. As anxious as I am to return to riding, I will take what I can get for now. I am already plotting a hike (or two) for this week. Followed by a lot of sitting of course.