Waning days of summer

After the Brits left, I had a minor freakout about summer. The weather was still warm and sunny but Hazel's impending first day of school brought it home that OMG these days of freedom? They are about to end.

I made it my mission to spend Hazel's last week of vacation Doing All of the Things.

First up: Float the river. Again. 

Because I love being on a river. All day, any day. This particular trip with Sarita and Olivia was particularly memorable because halfway down the river, Sarita said, "Um. Don't hate me. I left the keys to the car at the take out IN THE CAR AT THE PUT IN."


I shrugged. This is Gunnison. We would figure it out. We did. I flagged a college kid with a kayak on top of his truck down and kindly asked him for a ride back to the put in. He obliged. I said thanks. A lot.

Because Hazel's school starts one week later than the public school, there were NO day camps to be found that week. Bummer. Super bummer. Super duper bummer.

We went on an adventure instead. And by adventure, I mean a cool drive that I was totally interested in. I bribed Hazel with the Ramona and Beezus audio book. Tygh was all, whatever.

We drove from Gunnison to Tincup, via Ohio City, Pitkin and a scenic, dirt alpine pass. I was the only one who cared enough to get out of the car and take pictures. My kids were all, meh. Another mountain view? I've seen those before.

In Tincup, we stopped for some lunch while taking in the surrounding 12,000 and 13,000 foot peaks. Hazel was mainly in to the dessert that came with the kid's meal. Tygh just wanted to eat her mac and cheese.

And then came the day before the day before the day of reckoning. Sarita led me on a quick loop of Strand Hill on the mountain bike. She kicked my ass and told me my kit looked like Thing One. I had to agree. All of my other bike kits were dirty. This is what I was left with.

Fall didn't officially start until September 22. Even though Hazel is now in school and I am semi-working, I plan to milk the season Every. Single. Day.
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