*Hack hack cough cough*

A couple weeks ago, I came to the very sound and research-based conclusion that December is "maintenance month".  In laymen's terms, that means "sit on my ass and get fat month."  If I want to work out, I will and if I don't, I won't.  I will eat whatever I want, whenever I want.  I will sleep late, go to bed early and maybe even *GASP* watch some tv.  Oh yeah, and the only exception will be that I will ski my ass off.

Thus far, December is going quite well, thank you.  Well, with one exception.  I seem to have been stricken with the inability to breathe and a smoker's hack.  I am self-diagnosing with bronchitis and hoping to convince the doctor this week to give me the strongest antibiotic known to man because, damnit, I want to feel GOOD while I'm being lazy, sitting on the couch, and watching The Office (we don't have cable- this is the extent of our television entertainment).

Other than the illness, the only downside has been reading everyone else's Facebook status updates.  Apparently, everyone who rides a bike in the Portland metro area has been busy training- every dang weekend.  They didn't get the memo about "sit on your ass December".  Given that I am only 1/100th of a percent competitive on a good day at the races, this shouldn't be too much of a concern to me.  Except that now, I may only be 1/200th of a percent competitive on a good day.  As a consequence, my trainer and I will be cultivating a close personal relationship during the month of January.  When I'm ready to shoot myself after riding my trainer at 5:30am two days in a row, please send me an encouraging email and remind me that December was totally worth it.  Please?

Seriously, though.  I am feeling so bad about not training that I just went and ate two bon bons.  After I had a popsicle.  And skied all day.  

I guess that when it comes right down to it, December IS actually working out quite well.

Mt. Hood today, with about 5 inches of fresh, cold powder.  Oh, you weren't there?  Bummer for you- you should have been.

What my husband and daughter do while I am enjoying powder- take a nap in front of the fire.  Hazel DID get the memo about December.
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