But I needed something to do. I couldn't very well sit around all weekend. I signed up at the last minute. I got my ass out of bed at a completely unreasonable hour for a cyclocross race (apparently, USGP didn't get the memo that OBRA women always start at 2pm?), I raced for 30 minutes. I had three mechanical issues: a stuck chain, a dropped chain and a loose front wheel. As is to be expected given the above circumstances, I got my butt kicked.
But I had a ton of fun and I was home by 10:30am . BAM!
Some things in my favor: I was racing a category up from my normal category. There was freezing fog (no, really. My bike was covered in ice at the end of the race.). There were very few spectators (though the ones that were there? Award-winning in their enthusiasm.).
Some things not in my favor: Holy cow, have my technical skills gone to crap over the season. I have no lactate-threshold fitness. December is for getting fat, not racing.
But it was a great race to finish (for real this time) the season on. I really liked the course, with its muddy runups, whoop-de-doos (from the BMX course), steep dropoffs, single-track tight turns and long straightaway on pavement. Ten points to the USGP folks for course layout.
Afterwards, I stood in a hot shower for an hour, took a nap, read a book, found a Christmas tree, and had dinner with friends. I didn't even miss skiing that much.
Here is a lovely demonstration of my lack of technical skills. I know how to carry my bike over barriers. This is how you should NOT do it.
Willing myself up the steep, muddy hill. Unfortunately, fortitude was not enough.