Somehow, somewhere, it became tradition for some of the Kaiser kids to go camping together once a year. Last year, we went to Lake Cushman to pop Marissa's camping cherry. It was mildly successful.
This year, in an attempt to make life easier for everyone, I chose a destination equi-distant for all families involved: Millersylvania State Park. It's a state park (not really my favorite type of camping destination in the summer due to the hordes of people, but whatev) which meant facilities were reliable and it offered a shallow and warm lake for swimming. I figured we couldn't lose.
For our 2012 trip, we were joined by not only Ritchie (who always seems to show up despite the fact that my sister is living in Kyrgyzstan? He either really likes us or is really bored.), but also my parents who rescued their tent trailer from a 13-year hibernation just to spend the weekend with us. Barkernews and I hadn't seen Hazel for a week since my parents kidnapped her and took her to Seattle the weekend before. We were jonesin' to see our girl. AND it was supposed to be 85 degrees and sunny.
It wasn't. We fell asleep Friday night just as my parents pulled in and launched a 4-year-old in to our tent with little fanfare other than a few grunts of "Here." and "She's yours now." On Saturday morning, we woke up to clouds and cool temperatures. In August. It even rained a little. SO. DEPRESSING.
As a consequence, we spent much of Saturday sitting around a campfire, trying to keep warm. Did I mention it was August?
Nevertheless, we still got to hang out together and you know what? The kids didn't really care. While I, personally, would have preferred 85 degrees and sunny so I could bare my 9 month pregnant belly to the world, the 4-year-old, the 2-year-old and the infant could have cared less. So in that way, it was a success.
Sunday dawned with similar weather and ended with sunshine and warmth. Everyone else took off right after lunch but Barkernews, Hazel and I took advantage and stayed through the afternoon, playing in the water and soaking up the sun.
On the way home, I tried to tabulate the amount of nights this year spent in our trailer or our tent. I think we are somewhere near 30-ish. And I determined that my kid has a rad life. In 2012, if she wasn't staying at the ski house on the mountain, it was likely she was in a tent or a trailer, spending her entire weekend outside. That, my friends, is RAD.
You know what else was rad? Spending time outside with my family, even in the rain. My family barely camps (see: 13 years of hibernation for the tent trailer) and it was fun to see them outside, getting dirty and enjoying each other.
For that, I guess I will take the rain, the hordes of people and the cool temps. I am already planning for next year.
The cousins check out a field mouse. They are actually holding hands so of course I had to take a picture.
Cousins playing in the sand. And arguing over the toys.
This girl is not a performer. Not at all.
This is the HUMONGOUS tent Nathan and Marissa rented. Yes, the capital letters are justified in this case.
Barkernews is not shy about his opinion regarding clouds and cold weather in August. He is also not ashamed to wear Hazel's rain hat.
Marissa took Eli out for his inaugural ride in the HMS Titanic. He seemed nonplussed by the whole event.
I was so happy to see my girl after a week away!
A lot of our time on Saturday looked like this. Add beer.
My parents camped in the rv section of the campground and they hosted us for dinner on Saturday night. As my dad said, it kind of looked like Hooverville.
Ritchie is probably most tolerant and patient uncle I have ever seen.
Grandparents and (dirty) grandkids.
Everyone. Except for Clay. And Ailey. Other than that, everyone's here.