The Barker family went to Astoria for the Halloween weekend, where we bike raced, relaxed in a swank house with friends, ate fresh crab, wore some ridiculous costumes and bike raced some more. It was exactly what the doctor ordered. We haven't been out of town as a family since Labor Day weekend.
Labor Day weekend!
Do you understand how difficult that is for us? Most of the time, we go MONTHS without spending a weekend in town. And while our dirty clothes pile up and our house gathers dust, we are off to points unknown, exploring the Northwest and generally having a fabulous time. So, yeah, it was time.
It was good for me too. My job, combined with Barkernews' new job responsibilities and his two-night-per-week school attendance, combined with general life stress, was sending me over the edge.
No, not THAT edge. Just the edge between sane NoPoGirl and crazy NoPoGirl. I don't really like crazy NoPoGirl, and I am sure most you don't either, so I signed myself up for some very expensive, but very worth it counseling. Did you know that licensed psychologists make $220 per 45 minute session? I didn't either, but I am clearly in the wrong profession, except for the fact that I don't really like to listen to other people's problems for hours on end. I think I will stick with teaching middle school students, where I only have to listen to their problems for an hour or two per day and then I can go home and have a drink.
In this process of deciding I needed a therapist, combined with finding a therapist that matched my style (heads up hippie counselors...your "energy therapy" is not really my thing) and then trying to get an appointment with said therapist, I have learned that 1. I am not crazy as previously imagined and 2. Apparently, everyone I know sees a therapist and has been doing so for years.
Typical conversation with friends went like this:
Me: So, I think I need therapy.
Friend: Oh, I have the best person. I see her every week. Here's her card.
Me: Why did you not share this with me before just so I don't feel so freaking crazy?!
Friend: *Shrug* Only the truly crazy people think they're sane. Everyone I know sees somebody.
Well, GEEZ.
Back to bike racing. I just thought I would share the above information because, well, it's my blog and I felt like it. Also, if you are not currently seeing somebody, apparently you need to and you might be crazy.
Astoria involved two days of bike racing. Way back in September, I set the first day as a goal race with the intention of wearing my costume and completely screwing around in the race on Sunday. Without puffing up my chest too much or sounding like an obnoxious prick...GOAL ACCOMPLISHED. I killed it on Saturday. The course involved two big hills, one of which most girls chose to run up. I rode it. every. single. time. Ouch. But so awesome at the same time. I played with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places with two other wicked fast chicks for awhile, beating them on the heinous hill and then getting creamed in the crit-like corners. In the end, I came in 3rd and it was the proudest 3rd of the season. I went hard and I put everything I had in to the race. All that training? It pays off. First place was 20 seconds ahead of me. Not bad for a chick who has a full time job, a 2-year-old, a position on ski patrol council and other life responsibilities.
Sunday was all about FUN. Barkernews went as a hula girl and a damn sexy one at that. The Hizz went as a monkey. Thanks to Heather's stroke of genius, she and I went as the Yup Yup Aliens from Sesame Street. We decided ahead of time to race, but not to race. We stopped at every obstacle, consulted our Earth Book and debated how to approach the obstacle ("yup yup yup, noooope, nope, nope"). We still managed three laps and also managed to pass a bunch of beginner women. If you're getting passed by a Yup Yup Alien, it may not be a good sign. I'm just sayin'.
That was easily one of the most fun races I have ever done. We came in last and next-to-last, but that wasn't the point. We had a great time and thought we were hilarious. Whether everyone else thought we were hilarious...well, that's not my problem. (though, I did find it amusing when we were told by some spectators to get off the course because it wasn't fair to people racing.)
Lots of good things happened this weekend. I spent some time away with very favorite people. I had an amazingly successful race. I dressed up as an alien and acted stupid. Had you asked me five years ago if I could have predicted that I would be in contention for winning a bike race or that I would dress up as an alien and acted stupid, I would have been in shock. That was definitely NOT ME. But, wow, I am so glad it is me.
I am going to tell that one to my therapist.
You have never seen aliens like these on a bike before, I am sure of it.
And, just in case you are unclear about who the Yup Yup Aliens are, here is your education: