Warning: Cover all exposed skin!

It's been 16 days in the making, but I finally found the time to blog about our Annual Colorado Family Vacation 2011.

And let me interrupt myself here by noting that it was sunny there. Given that we haven't seen much sun around these parts since we returned, I think extremely fondly of our vacation...about every two minutes, all day long. Ah...sun...

We had a marvelous time. Really, truly marvelous. Barkernews' parents are beyond generous towards us and indulge us in amazing food, beautiful scenery and free babysitting. They want to do whatever it is we want to do which, of course, is GO OUTSIDE. So in their good natured manner, they bundle themselves up, stomp around in the snow with us and tolerate a sometimes whiny toddler who doesn't understand that wearing sunglasses at 8200ft. is probably a good idea if she doesn't want to go blind before the age of 9. Try explaining this to a 2-year-old. Go on, try. I dare you.

And if you are successful, I will reward you with aforementioned toddler for one whole week. Now, how's that for a prize?

We spent our time sledding, skiing, relaxing, reading lots of books, and attempting to breathe at the ridiculously high altitude where the in-laws live.

After we had done that for a few days, Barkernews and I left them all behind and indulged ourselves in three days in Winter Park, where apparently it was so cold that hell froze over.

You think I'm kidding? I kid not. The thermometer read -20 degrees and the wind speed hovered around 20mph. You can do your own math on the windchill. Barkernews and I toughed it out because we're core like that. Sorta. We had to go in to the lodge every two runs just to re-warm and we kind of skied like shit because we were too cold to get any blood flowing to our legs.

We had fun anyway because NO KID! I mean, really, what more is there to say?

Barkernews and I are die-hard New Year's Eve partiers and so we were asleep by 10pm on the blessed night and spent the next morning laying in bed, watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and debating whether to ski or not. The debate wasn't very lively. We were pretty engrossed in our tv show. I mean, these people have REAL problems. Like, which house should they stay in over the weekend? And which staff should accompany them? And, can their clothing consultant rush over some outfits for this weekend excursion?

In the end, we gave up and went to the hot springs, where we sat for three straight hours. Our favorite pool was 107 degrees. The temperature outside warmed up to a balmy -15. There was a 123 temperature difference between the air hitting my head and my body sitting in the hot spring pool. That's just crazy.

On the third day, God granted us a bit of a reprieve and we skied and skied and skied. We skied until the clock forced us to head back to the airport. We couldn't NOT ski. The upper lifts opened and with them, the lightest, freshest, most beautiful powder you have ever seen. It was fresh tracks over and over and over again.

I freaking love Colorado, even if it is donkey butt cold.

The next day, I faced 16 7th grade students who wanted to be back in school about as much as I did and thought, "24 hours ago, I was skiing beautiful powder in Colorado". It was a tough pill to swallow, but at least I know we'll be back next year. And I can remember the sun. Oh, that bright, bright sun.

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