My sister was taking off for Liberia at the end of February and she was anxious to spend time with her siblings before she headed off to the great unknown. I was in quick agreement once she suggested a trip to White Pass Ski Resort. It's been several years since I had been there and in that time, they have doubled their terrain. It's also my favorite kind of ski area- locally owned, full of steep runs not overly-frequented by nerg skiers, and family friendly. Big resorts are fun and all (See: our annual trip to Colorado) but I also like to support the little guys- the ones who really care about skiing.
All of us made it out there except Clayton who was probably busy checking out a concert and living up his college life. We missed him. A lot.
But we weren't lacking in good times.
The cousins were the first provide some giggles:
Sunday dawned as a bluebird powder day with spectacular views and lots of freshies. Big grins. Really big grins.
Mustard Two and I have traditions. We have to keep them.
Oh, hi there. It's sunny. The snow is rad. Yeah.
White Pass built a new mid-mountain lodge as part of their addition. I wish Oregon ski areas would catch on.
Big news flash: Hazel skis on her own! She made a huge breakthrough at White Pass and took off without any support from Barkernews or I. That kid was wicked excited!
And then it was over and I was sad that I wouldn't be seeing my sister for quite some time and that she was going to one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Sigh. I miss her already. I wish she would come home soon so we can ski together.Be safe out there, Ailey. I will save some powder for you!