Sibling reunion at White Pass

My sister was taking off for Liberia at the end of February and she was anxious to spend time with her siblings before she headed off to the great unknown. I was in quick agreement once she suggested a trip to White Pass Ski Resort. It's been several years since I had been there and in that time, they have doubled their terrain. It's also my favorite kind of ski area- locally owned, full of steep runs not overly-frequented by nerg skiers, and family friendly. Big resorts are fun and all (See: our annual trip to Colorado) but I also like to support the little guys- the ones who really care about skiing.

All of us made it out there except Clayton who was probably busy checking out a concert and living up his college life. We missed him. A lot.

But we weren't lacking in good times.

The cousins were the first provide some giggles:

Sunday dawned as a bluebird powder day with spectacular views and lots of freshies. Big grins. Really big grins.

Mustard Two and I have traditions. We have to keep them.

Oh, hi there. It's sunny. The snow is rad. Yeah.

White Pass built a new mid-mountain lodge as part of their addition. I wish Oregon ski areas would catch on.

Big news flash: Hazel skis on her own! She made a huge breakthrough at White Pass and took off without any support from Barkernews or I. That kid was wicked excited!
And then it was over and I was sad that I wouldn't be seeing my sister for quite some time and that she was going to one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Sigh. I miss her already. I wish she would come home soon so we can ski together.

Be safe out there, Ailey. I will save some powder for you!
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