Hey! Guess what! I've been racing my bike!
Weird, I know, but it does explain at least a little about why I haven't updated my blog much lately.
I decided to finish June off with a bang and instead of going to Sunriver and racing in the Pacific Crest triathlon like I always do, I thought it would so much more fun to stay home and do three bike races in a weekend.
Sort of. Turns out that Barkernews was on call that weekend and my coach thought it would be super fun to do three bike races in a weekend. Also, we were on the hook for watching Baby Eli for three nights.
Yep. Fun times.
Also known as Oh God My Legs Are Going to Fall Off Times. And dear god, Can I Please Just Go To Bed Times.
I have no pictures of myself racing the time trial, the insanely difficult 8-corner criterium or the fast and furious circuit race. Here's what I do have: two pics of me racing Mt. Tabor the week before.
Where I came in...you guessed it...second.
Le sigh.
However? I'll take my time trial pr, my 4th place crit and my 3rd place circuit finishes with pride. Lots and lots of pride.
Trying to intimidate Kandra. It's not working. :)
Going for...second. Damn the number 2.