Pretty close to...DONE

After the Omnium last weekend, I was feeling the need for some redemption. The problem was that my legs didn't necessarily agree. They wanted to rest. The other problem? Disagreeing opinions between my coach, my husband, and my friends. To race or not to race?

Oh, what the hell. Racing it is.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. On my second lap around that cursed volcano, I pulled out and accomplished my first DNF of the season. I just...couldn' I was pedaling squares and falling back on the uphills. My heart rate was ridiculous and I knew. It was time to call it quits.

So I did. And I was not unhappy about it. Lots of great friends with great foods were at Tabor that evening and the Barkers spent the night living it up at the park. That made it all worth it.

The next night, I relaxed by hanging out at Kruger's concert and picnic with my besties, including one who insisted on wearing a tutu on the farm.

I then spent all day Friday taking care of myself. I went to yoga (OW!). I saw my chiropracter, who put e-stem on my legs and gave a me a good massage in addition to adjusting my back and I had a super intense session of acupuncture. I then sat in the hot tub and went to book club.

I felt like a completely new woman, albeit a completely stoned new woman. Acupuncture will do that to you.

Saturday came and with it, the Ironclad Crit. Barkernews' team was sponsoring the race. Therefore, I decided to race, with no expectations. I wanted to support Ironclad, so I said what the hell and handed over my $25. I didn't even care if I came in last.

I didn't come in last. But holy heck, that was a hard crit. Three masters Cat 3 racers showed up to duke it out with the cat 4s and they took off like bullets from the start. Like an idiot, I couldn't clip in to my pedals for the first 1/2 block and I had to go 150% just to catch up. There was no recovery for the next 20 minutes until Alex from Ironclad and I ended watching those silly cat 3s ride away. We traded pulls every lap, doing the best we could to catch the leaders, but in the end, we sprinted it out for 2nd and 3rd in the cat 4s.

She won. :)

I was still happy. For not planning on racing, I think 3rd place is okay. And, I got some great practice racing with the 3s for my imminent upgrade.

With that, I am out of the racing scene until late August, when I may or may not race the Eugene Celebration stage race. Next week brings two weeks of vacation followed by weekends of camping with my besties. To be honest, I am ready. My legs and my brain are tired and could use a little less Gu and a lot more rest.

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