If you write it on the board, does that make it true?

My coach is a funny man.  And by funny, I don't mean HA HA, that guy is HILARIOUS! funny. 

I mean BAT SHIT CRAZY funny.

And I'm not just saying this because he regularly kicks my ass.  He really, truly is BAT SHIT CRAZY.  Here are some examples: when I describe an epic powder day on the mountain, he just looks at me blankly.  He regularly rides his computrainer indoors for over 100 miles and considers it an "average day".  He thinks that time trials are fun.

This is how he began December: "Look here, gang.  I've got a really big, almost unachievable goal for 2012.  I want you to come up with something similarly impossible and make THAT your goal."

I won't go in to the logistics of his goal, because that's his business, but...


I wanted to say back, "Look here, COACH.  I have these things called LIFE RESPONSIBILITIES.  Like, you know, my jobby job and my kid and her upbringing and, oh I don't know, spending time with my husband every once in a while."

I didn't say any of that because I am a big, fat wuss.  I just put my head down and continued pedaling to nowhere on that damn computrainer.  I tried to avoid talking about it as long as I could.

The problem when you show up to regular workouts and the workout involves pedaling to nowhere?  You can't escape.

So now I have this ridiculous goal (which, NO, I am not going to share with you because that's my business and the 50 other people who train with our group) and CRAP.

Crap, you guys. I don't have time for this.  I don't have the fortitude for this.  I don't have the experience for this.


Everyone had to write their 2012 goal on the white board.  Now it stares at me every time I ride my bike to nowhere.  And every single time, there is one less "don't, can't, won't" in my brain and one more "I am ALL OVER THAT" in my brain.


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