Dear bike: I love you.

I'm 16 weeks preggo in this pic. Can't you tell?
March 2012 was the rainiest March on record in Portland. And while there are many crazy bike racers out there who train outdoors rain or shine, I am not one of them. I absolutely HATE to ride my bike in the rain. To me, there is nothing more horrific than riding in the pissing, driving, cold rain.

It could be because I don't have a rain bike. I used to, but in my quest to pare down the clutter in our garage and to make a little money, I sold it. I didn't ride in the rain anyway so it just hung from the ceiling, gathering dust. I should have called it a dust bike.

It could be because by the time I get off of work, I am tired and limited on time and a tired state of mind is no good for riding in the rain motivation.

And it could be because I am really, truly a desert girl at heart.

I think it's all of the above, with a special emphasis on the last one.

We tried to escape the March rains by heading to the desert for spring break. Guess what happened? IT RAINED THERE TOO.

With the exception of massive amounts of snow in the mountains, the universe was not smiling upon us.

April so far has been kind. I have been biting the bullet to ride my bike outdoors and in 7 days (4 of them with rain, 3 with sunshine), I have been on my bike outside three times. One of those days, we rode in the morning and skied in the afternoon.

Do you see what the sunshine does to me??

My love of riding from February training camp has been re-ignited because DAMN, I love my bike. Even pregnant and peeing every ten miles, I love my bike. 

That's all I really wanted to tell you. I am going to go ride my bike now.

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