Okay, so I know it's June and I should have been blogging long ago, but whatever. May was insane. Really, truly insane. Beyond maintaining our work schedules and taking care of a preschooler and maintaining our training schedules and Hazel's swim lessons and dance lessons, we did the whole graduation thing, the whole dance recital thing, the whole family visits thing, the whole camping thing (once!) and the whole Memorial Day thing. While I would definitely title May, "A Life Well Lived", I am feeling a little tired and run down. And I miss my husband. I missed him so much that I finally hired a babysitter and we went on a real date that didn't involve bikes or camping. Crazy, eh?
And then I promptly scheduled that babysitter for date nights all the way through August. BAM! No more excuses.
People often wonder why Barkernews and I are so adamant about getting away as a family. For us, it's a way of circling the wagons in our crazy busy world. When we point the truck (inevitably) east armed with only food, bikes, and camping gear, we can raise a virtual middle finger to the pressures of every day life and enjoy...each other and the sun and our bikes. And yes, I know we bring those pressures upon ourselves and that we thrive off of them, but there is no yin without the yang. It makes our time together that much sweeter and well earned.
I am looking ahead to a summer calendar FULL of trips to the cabin, camping trips and a two week vacation. I can. Not. Wait. I plan to return to school in September delightfully bronzed and with a smirk on my lips.
Hazel asked for a good month prior to her recital if she could get roses. RED roses. We complied, but only because she was so damn cute. |
This is what Mother's Day weekend on Deschutes River looked like. LOVE. |
Another image from Mother's Day weekend on the Deschutes River. I have a rad kid. |
Memorial Day in Sunlands. It was rough. (well, the part where I rode my bike up the 1000ft. hill climb out of the cabin WAS rough. But this part certainly was not.) |