How about a random assortment of pictures from late December/January?
Yes, how about that.
These pictures are actually pretty indicative of how life has been. Weekends full of skiing/sledding/ice skating/chilling, weeks full of events at the Rec Center, swimming, library nights...
I was actually having a pretty rad time as a member of the unemployed class of 2012, but then I happened to get a job (BOO). I mean, not BOO to the job itself, just BOO to the fact that I am back to working full-time, which means no more mid-day cross country ski jaunts with Mr. T, no more noon yoga, no more skate ski clinics at Crested Butte. Boo indeed.
Here's how one can have two small children and still go skiing: force the smallest one (who can't talk anyway and therefore has no choice) in to an Ergo and take the biggest one on the Magic Carpet. BAM. Instant skiing satisfaction. At least for the 4-year-old.
Cross country skiing in the sunshine with Mr. T was great while it lasted. Especially since this is literally 2 minutes from my house. SIGH. Going back to the working world is rough. Goodbye, maternity leave. I loved you while I had you.
In an effort to learn new things, I am taking ice skating lessons. I look like a fool. But I'm doing it. And considering there are 3 ice rinks across the street from my house, it would be silly if I never learned how to skate. Two lessons down and I feel ridiculous on the ice still. I'm hopeful the third lesson is my Big Breakthrough, but I'm not placing bets on it.
When snow and ice are permanent fixtures several months a year, one needs studded tires, right? So that's what I got on my cruiser. They. Are. Awesome.
Every now and then, Brian and I splurge for Date Day, which means we can actually go skiing all day(!) with no children(!) and without having to trade aforementioned kids off. In Portland, we would have to gamble for Date Day. Would it rain on the mountain or snow? We lost that gamble a good 50% of the time. Here, the gamble is, will it snow on the mountain or be sunny?
We're willing to take that gamble.
Taken in the parking lot of the 4-way-stop in Crested Butte. I ♥ my green Patagonia vest.
Hazel skis no more or no less than she did on Mt. Hood (ever met a 3-year-old with 30 days under her belt? Yes, you did. Her name is Hazel and now she's 4 and has 40 days.) but it is SO MUCH CLOSER. And also sunnier. Did I mention the sun yet?
Oh, look. Another Date Day picture. I love Date Day.
I just had to include this one. Parks and Rec sponsors all kinds of events for all kinds of reasons and this was the photo booth at Rudolph Roundup. Hazel is unbelieving and Tygh is So. Over. It.
The sledding hill is ALSO 2 minutes from our house. Someone here likes speed.
New Year's Eve in Crested Butte started at 10am and ended at 6pm. Because we are hip like that. After the fireworks and torchlight parade on skis, I brought Tygh in to nurse him. A woman sitting across from me said, "oh, it's ok if you want to nurse. I'm a doula. I'm cool with it." I didn't quite know how to respond to that, so I just kept my thoughts inside my head and my thoughts went a little like this, "Uh, ok, cool, because I was going to feed my baby anyway, regardless of what you thought about it. Because he's, you know, hungry. And that's how he eats. But good for you that you're a doula. I mean, congrats and all."
Sometimes, I am actually successful at keeping my big mouth shut. And then I congratulate myself and eat a cookie.
On the walk to the ice skating rink. I just love this shot because it's my girl and I, in a winter wonderland.
Practicing my skills before I took lessons. That's some amazing form, isn't it?
My two favorite boys of all time. You can't tell from this picture, but Tygh is actually a 10th percentile baby (who now sleeps 9-10 hours per night. WOOT!) who weighs pretty much nothing. I am destined to have tiny children.
I couldn't NOT include my favorite picture of Crested Butte. It pretty much sums up why we live here.
I'm out. Time to go to work.