Desert living

We went to Moab, a mere 4 1/2 hours away for spring break. I'll totally spoil this blog post right now and tell you it was awesome and totally worth it. There. Now you don't even need to read the rest of this post if you want to save some time.

To be honest, we were expecting a much more *ahem* challenging experience. Hazel has been camping since she was 4 weeks old and we spent many a long, sleepless night with her on random dirt roads in freezing conditions. Due to the timing of Tygh's birth combined with the move, the boy had never been camping.

This was a travesty that HAD to be corrected. So we did.

We were confident we would be up all night with baby screaming echoing off the canyon walls. And we accepted that. We were READY for it. Tygh has given us many a 12-hour night of sleep at home, but we were sure, really truly SURE, we would sleep not at all.

The first night we were there, the temps dipped in to the 30s. Guess who slept 12 straight hours? 

The New Guy.

Guess who was up all night with an earache?

The seasoned veteran.

I swear, parenthood is never, ever predictable.

Lucky for us, each subsequent night was perfect, with both kids sleeping 10 to 12 hour stretches. Also lucky for us, the weather was gorgeous, the scenery was striking and each kid performed admirably in their daytime activities.

Given that I can't ride, run, ski or play, I am taking these as my accomplishments from the trip. We did several of the short trails within Arches National Park and Hazel did not complain, whine or throw a tantrum ONCE. What the?! In 4 days, Tygh screamed for a grand total of 15 minutes. Again, I say WHAT THE?!?!

I am starting to think karma is coming back my way.

Brian got out for some road riding and some mountain biking and I just soaked up the desert.

It was a damn good time.

Random assortment of pictures below, including the Shit Show (that would be us) having lunch on the side of the road in Arches.

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