Thoughts on being a mom. And a wife and a cyclist and an educator and a skier and a friend and a reader and and and...

Things were little different this year for Mother's Day as I am now the mom of two kids, not one, which increases life's chaos ten-fold. (true story. Do not let anyone tell you that it's not much more difficult to have two kids instead of one. It is a lie.)

This basically means I am doubly blessed. I tend to be biased but my kids are pretty damn awesome. And I think about/worry about/celebrate them in real life much more than I do on this blog. Mainly because this blog is about me but also because in any given moment I may or may not identify as a mother. 

Yes, I am always a mom. That never stops. But when I'm on the bike or in the classroom or riding the chairlift, my kids are often NOT the first thing on my mind. I don't spend every waking moment plotting how to make them happy or anticipating their every need. Truth be told, I spend a lot of moments plotting bike or ski trips and figuring out how to spend more time with Brian. 

And you know what? I never feel guilty about that. In fact, I feel really satisfied with how my life works. I spend a lot of time with my kids. I spend a lot of time at work. I spend a lot of time on the bike or on skis. I WISH I spent more time with just Brian (that's what babysitters are for, right?).

Mainly I do all of those things and feel that way because that's just who I am. I wasn't going to have kids and then suddenly lose all of my other identities. It's not how I roll. A secondary benefit though is being an example to my kids. You CAN have everything and not feel bad about it. 

To wit, I spent 3 hours riding singletrack with Miriam and Mark yesterday (holy crap, I got WORKED) and 3 hours riding the pavement on skinny tires with Brian today to celebrate Mother's Day. And then I came home and snuggled with my kids and thought, Man I have it good.

Happy Mother's Day.

These guys stole my heart.

When I grow up, I want to ride like Miriam. New goal: Be a Bad Ass mountain biker.

Mountain living. It pretty much does not suck. 

Uh...thanks for waiting for me. Much appreciated.

My original road riding partner and still the best. I'll draft off him any day.


This guy stole my heart 14 years ago. He's still the #1 person in my life.

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