Signs of impending doom. Also known as FALL.

When I lived in Portland, I actively disliked Fall. While there are many beautiful autumn days in the Pacific Northwest, there are an equal number of rainy gray days that signal a return to the dreariest 9 months of the year. To be honest, it was depressing. I love winter but what I love about winter is the snow. Not the rain or the gray or the 4pm sunset and 8am sunrise. 

Fall made me a little bit down. To combat that, I raced cyclocross, I camped in the desert and I thought a lot about summer.

Which sort of worked. Fall is depressing no matter which way you spin it.

Unless you live in Colorado (wheeeee!). Winter here is long, it's true. But it's also BRIGHT. And while many people think living in a snowy place is a special kind of hell, the odds of me seeing blue sky and sunshine on a winter day are a jazillion times better here than in Portland. 

Also? I love snow. I think it's fabulous. So when I post on Facebook that it snowed in September, I am EXCITED. I think it's cool. The fact that it got up to 65 degrees and sunny later that day? That was also cool.

Fall has taken on a new meaning for me now that I live here. I have noticed that I am not as down as I usually am this time of year and I cannot wait to get outside every day. Because even when we wake up to snow in September? It's still a beautiful day out there.

Damn I love me some sun.

On Saturday, the kids and I drove over Ohio and Kebler Passes to Paonia. Our mission: pick pumpkins and apples. My secret mission was to check out some rad fall views (my kids care zero percent about views). 

I scored.

Picking pumpkins in 65 degree with snow-capped mountains in the background. Now that's what I am talking about.

Views from the trip home. It was OMG drop dead gorgeous. Except for the parts where the tourists set up their tripods IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. Really? Seriously? C'mon people. Just because you're not from here doesn't mean you have to be stupid.

Today, I escaped on my mountain bike for a ride through the aspens with Tim and Sarita. This was the view from the trailhead- it's the back side of Mt. Crested Butte. I like to see snow on my ski hill surrounded by blue sky. That for me? Bliss.

Sarita tops out on the uphill road. You have to pay to play and paying to play here means riding through changing aspens on a bluebird day.

You know? I never get tired of this view. Ever.

Brian missed out on couple's ride. He was fishing the river with his dad. I was just the third wheel. But I tell good jokes and take decent pictures so there's that.

Ok, I tell terrible jokes. But the pictures are pretty decent.

Aspens. Aspens everywhere.

So what is my favorite season in the Valley?

ALL OF THEM. Fall, I now love you. All credit goes to Colorado.
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