We went back to Junction this past weekend to race cross (or GJ if you want to sound cool).
Did you get that it was fun??
First, the races were at 7pm. This is awesome in so many ways. We could leave Gunny at 1pm and still enjoy a leisurely few hours before our race. We raced in the dark. We wore costumes because Halloween. Duh. And there were tons of spectators screaming, ringing bells and heckling, which is basically what cross is all about.
I went as a witch because that's what fit and what was affordable. Last week, I went in to the massive Costume Wearhouse here in Gunny (no kidding. It IS massive. We have a huge Costume Wearhouse and no Target? WTH?) and found a costume in the kid's section that fit me and that I could race in. And that's how I became a witch. Clever, huh?
So then we raced. Brian went as Peter Pan and scored himself a nice finish in the top ten. Seventh, to be exact. That's because Peter Pan can fly of course. I ended up second, which I was little surprised at because I thought I was in the lead for much of the race. It turns out the woman who beat me beat EVERYONE, guys included. She beat me by a LAP. No wonder I never saw her. Of course, I went home and promptly googled her because I may not be in prime cyclocross shape right now but a LAP? A whole lap? REALLY?
Oh yeah. She's a former pro mountain biker, Colorado state Cyclocross Champion and 4-time Leadville 100 winner and record-holder. So that kind of explains it. And she's racing Bs. It's time to up my game. I will admit that I may have taken laps 3 & 4 pretty easy because I had shaken off the girls behind me. FAIL. Lesson learned.
It seems all I do in cyclocross is learn lessons.
Regardless, the course was rad. Five gazillion turns with a barrier on an corner going uphill and a sandpit. Despite my inability to corner, I loved it. Nothing like cornering in the dark to improve your skills quickly.
Sunday brought 65 degree temps and blue blue blue skies. We wanted to ride Rabbit Valley last time we were in Fruita but turned the opportunity down since it's pretty much in Utah and we didn't want to travel that far. We hit up Rabbit Valley this time and DAMN. I am so coming back. The views are incredible, the trails are super fun (I am in love with Trail 2) and this girl could totally shred to her heart's content.
Win all around.
We totally missed the timing on naptime and so the drive home was filled with lots of screaming, crying and general crankiness on both kids' parts. It was a long 2 hours. I was hoping for a helicopter to come down and pick me up. That didn't happen.
Instead, we came home, ate and promptly put some very tired and very cranky kids to bed. And reminisced about our most excellent weekend.