Damnit, I will FIND spring.

Spring in Portland this year has been a joke. A HUGE joke. With daytime temps in the 40s and never-ending rain, Barkernews and I could not take it for one more weekend. Or even the weekend after that. Or the weekend after that.

Cue Der Kaiserhutte. For the first time in 2011, we loaded her up and pointed her towards points east AKA the desert which is often full of sun. I was so excited, I could hardly sit still. I love camping. I love the desert. I love my family. I was like that little kid on her way to Disneyland, except for me Disneyland represents the seventh level of hell and camping in the desert represents total bliss.

In the desert, we can ride bikes, trail run, ski, soak up the sun and enjoy a rain-free campfire. Instead of taking medication for anxiety or stress, I go camping and play with my family.

Trailer? Check. Bikes? Check. Skis? Check. Toddler? Oops. Has anyone seen her?

Campfires and s'mores are much more enjoyable with a 2-year-old and dry weather.

Camping in the sun followed by ski days in the sun keep me sane.

The past two weekends, we have camped on the Columbia River and the Deschutes River. That means mud and lots of it. We could not be more pleased.

I put this picture on my screensaver so when I have a difficult day at work, I can look back on my spectacular weekend and say "ahhhh..."

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