Memorial Day- evidence that the sun still exists

You know, it's funny. Lately, I have heard from a lot of people who are interested in moving to Portland. My first response, given the lengthy rainy season we have had, is to scream in their face: "ARE YOU CRAZY?! THE WEATHER HERE MAKES YOU WANT TO SCRATCH YOUR EYEBALLS OUT!"

But then I take a deep breath, smile and say, "You know it rains here a little, right?"

Which is such a freaking lie, but at least it's pc.

People, listen up: Portland is in a temperate rainforest AKA Depression Land AKA Vitamin D-starved AKA Can we PLEASE for the love of all that is holy get a couple sunny, hot days up in here? Pretty please? Because if we don't, I might have to take drastic measures. Like moving to Las Vegas, land of sprawl and excess and sin and, oh yeah, SUN.

Anyway. I'm kind of desperate, but that's not too obvious, is it?

Life threw us a bone last weekend in the form of Memorial Day, which was predicted to be predictably rainy and cool in Portland. We got the heck out of Dodge, just like we do on every Memorial Day weekend and escaped to Sunlands where it was indeed sunny and warm.

It was like heaven. We wore short sleeves and basked in the glow. We even went a little crazy and did not wear sunscreen, we were so starved for Vitamin D. When we went home on Monday night, my bones still felt warm. I am not making this up- I felt like I had baked in the oven for 3 days until I was suitably browned and toasted. And oh, did it feel good. In every one of the following pictures, it is sunny. And warm. And also sunny.

I really really really did not want to come home.

My daughter is pretty much the cutest child to have ever lived.

We shot some guns. And then we shot some more guns. Yep.

Barker likes to shoot.

I did a triathlon. It was sunny. I actually sweat. I was hot when I finished. I was pleased.

Right before I find out I'm in second for my age group- AGAIN. I will be 2nd forever it seems.

The poor, poor domestique who had to stand around in the sun all morning.

Okay, fine. I will take this 2nd place medal. But I am only smiling because it's sunny.

Ah, Sunlands. It's a pretty rad place.

My favorites chat about...well, who knows what?

River dirt is better in the sun.

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