Last week, it was sunny two days in a row which was weird and unusual. And so I spent two days riding my cruiser bike nonchalantly around town, wearing flip flops and contemplating the awesomeness of life.
Then I realized: one of the things that makes life awesome is the racing season! And guess what, people? It is the racing season RIGHT NOW.
You know what else? I am pretty freaking stoked about that. Between the pre-race nerves that make me vomit, the continual self-talk and suffering during a race, and the post-race sinking in to the couch from exhaustion and inhaling burritos from ravenous hunger...I love it. I love it all.
So, bring it. Bring it all- the triathlons, the bike races, the 5Ks, the short track mountain biking...BRING. IT. ON.