It's two steps forward, one step back around here these days. For one, we've got a very easy daytime baby who still insists on waking up every 3-4 hours at night. I know, I know...lots of you are probably saying, "What? Why are you complaining? Why, MY BABY..."
Here's why I am complaining: his sister woke up once a night by the time she was 6 weeks old. ONCE. And slept through the night at 10 weeks. And we're not talking about a 6-hour stretch of sleeping through the night. In my book, 6 hours is NOT sleeping through the night. That's a freaking cat nap. No, she slept a good 8-10 hours every night without waking until about 14 weeks. At that point, she slept a good 12 hours. Every night. Even while teething.
So you can see that poor Baby Tygh has a high standard to live up to. To help him reach this very high standard, we are extremely diligent about his 3-hour daytime routine (read The Baby Whisperer. Then you will understand). Because Mama needs sleep. Badly. I need 9 hours of sleep to be a nice person, 8 hours to be sort of humane to others. 7 hours if you want a very crabby but alive version of myself. Less than 7 and the weepiness will start.
Which is what happened almost 2 weeks ago. Tygh was waking up every 2 hours. That was so not working for me. One morning, I found myself on the couch crying from extreme lack of sleep and I called Barkernews at work. I practically shouted at him, "THIS IS NOT WORKING FOR ME! (sob, sniffle, sob) WE NEED A NEW PLAN! (sniffle, sniffle, sob) WE NEED A NEW PLAN NOW! (hiccup, sniffle, sob, sob)
(sob sob sob sniffle sniffle sniffle sniffle hiccup hiccup SOB)
So we got a new plan. New plan= Barkernews is on duty for half the night, during which he can feed Tygh a bottle of wine for all I care. And I get the second half, during which I will try to make sure Tygh gets actual milk, but he may not, depending on how I feel about it at 4am.
It's mostly working. I am getting more sleep. I don't know about Barkernews. I'm asleep during his shift. And Tygh has gone from 2-hour wake ups to 3-4 hour wake ups. Can I get a 5-hour stretch for 500, Alex?
Why does all this matter? It matters because I NEED TO TRAIN. And it's difficult for me to train on limited sleep. Screw that, it's difficult for me to recover from training on limited sleep.
On that Um, yeah. It turns out that when you tear your perineal muscle AND your kid arrives super fast with no time for aforementioned perineal muscle to slowly stretch and warm up, it takes a shit ton of time to recover. Yes, I am riding my bike. But then I have to take 2-3 days off because my perineal muscle is really pissed. So then I go to yoga. And that nagging muscle is pissed some more.
It's taking a looooooooooooooong time to come back. Which is irritating me to no end. And also boring me. I did power intervals on the computrainer last week and aside from the hot flashes (WTF?? As if pregnancy doesn't screw up your body enough, I now have to deal with postpartum hot flashes?? The universe is not on my side.), my legs felt fantastic.
The perineum? Not so much. Two more days off. *sigh*
Gentle Yoga felt- dare I say?- delicious. The perineum hated it. Two more days off for me.
Cross season is in full swing. Training for the road season has started. And I still can't ride my bike every day. Heck, I can't even work on my abs or lift weights.
But hey. At least the wet season has arrived and it's raining. I mean, there's that, right?
Example A of WE NEED SOME SLEEP. Barkernews falls asleep in his son's carseat:
Sleep, recovery, patience, yadda yadda yadda
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