Without further ado...
Yes, I "raced" my bike. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you a picture of me on the bike because Barkernews was busy chaperoning the kids at a birthday party and I'm too cheap to pay for a professional picture.
A lot of good things happened on the day this picture was taken. I finished the race. I rode almost everything, including the steep muddy uphill. I didn't puke. I laughed at the ridiculousness of riding my bike in 6-inch deep mud. I didn't get last in the Bs (ahem.), even though I had a baby 10 weeks prior.
It was pretty great. And it made me want more. Because next to last is never good enough.
I've got a long way to go. My top end is certainly missing. (Hello? Top end? Are you there? Where are you hiding? Can you come out and play?) Explosive power is noticeably absent. Endurance is still a joke.
You know what IS still around?
Determination. That I've got in abundance. And probably some craziness too.
So yeah. Maybe I didn't beat you. Maybe you passed me on the second lap, even though you're a C racer and started a minute behind me. Maybe I kind of sort of just a little walked those last barriers in the 6 pack (SIX PACK?! WTH?!).
But there's this: I did two cyclocross races in 2011 before injury forced me off the bike. I was pregnant for ten months, three of which were spent in "modified activity". I've been in some form of postpartum recovery for the past 11 weeks.
Therefore, I say to no one in particular except maybe myself:
Insert smiley face.