Here's a brilliant idea: Have a baby. Decide to move to a mountain town in Colorado. Have the movers come to your house the day before Thanksgiving to pack it up. Pick up your kid from daycare (the last time she saw her house, it looked totally normal). Drive to Seattle for 5 days of Thanksgiving celebrations. Then drive home and move.
Oh yeah and your baby sleeps like shit. Also, your 4-year-old will sleep like shit because she is, understandably, slightly disoriented.
Despite all that, going home to Sammamish for Thanksgiving was awesome, if a bit blurry due to sleep deprivation. We ate, we visited Santa, went to the aquarium, visited some old friends and promptly drove back to our completely packed up house, with my sister in tow.
The best part of Thanksgiving? The cousins having a blast together, especially the part where Halleck (7mos.) tried to eat Tygh (almost 3mos.). The worst part? Hands down, not sleeping. And not exercising. I don't like that.
Who knows where we will spend Thanksgiving next year? I am kind of hoping for Hawaii, but I'm guessing that won't fly with the rest of the fam.