On On!

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, we headed back to Portland, slept in a house full of boxes and woke up the next morning to a long list of errands and movers knocking on our door. The adventure had begun.

We managed to leave town by 4pm, making sure to swing by daycare and pick up Hazel (because it would really suck to leave her behind) and make a beeline for the city line. Until...I ran out of gas.

Yeah, I know. Who starts a 4 day road trip on an empty tank? Apparently, ME. Barkernews was none too pleased.

This was followed by the most epic of tantrums in a Mexican restaurant in Pendleton, courtesy of Hazel. I began dreaming of a spa vacation in Tahiti.

Thankfully, the rest of the trip went significantly better. I owe much gratitude to my sister, who was my partner in crime for the entire drive, and the Kindle Fire, which kept Hazel entertained almost the entire time.

(note: We normally allow NO video viewing in the car. We make an exception for moving across the country because we value sanity and not driving off the road due to child screaming.)

Tygh rode with Barkernews the entire way. That was the best part.

We drove in to Gunnison on Thursday night, ready to sink in to our sleeping bags (furniture did not come for another 10 days. TRUE STORY.) and start the next chapter.

Me, my sister wife, and my kids at the Salt Lake Temple.

Twin Falls, ID. This is pretty much all it has going for it.

The Barker caravan. We do not joke around.

Wired up, ready to go.

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