Since we came home from Fruita, all I can think about is riding my mountain bike, no matter how slowly and easily.
That's not wrong, is it? Because if it is, I don't want to be right.
Fortunately, I live in a pretty good spot for trail access. Right out my back door, I can ride singletrack for miles- even ride up a peak if I wish or, if I am feeling super ambitious, I can ride all the way to Salida on trails.Down the road a few miles, I have access to a network of trails at Hartman's Rocks. And in the summer, all of Crested Butte is at my fingertips.
So many trails, so little time.
That's getting a little ahead of myself though. For now, I am still confined to easy riding, in an easy gear. And on Tuesday, I did just that. Coincidence was on my side and both Brian and I got off work early for a quick spin on the the Contour Trail.
Did you catch that? WE RODE TOGETHER. Sometimes the universe DOES work in my favor!
It made my day. Some days, my job drives me insane and it was the perfect escape. One hour of riding on beautiful singletrack, home in time to pick up the kids from daycare and make dinner?
I love this place.