Last week, my pt gave me permission to do some easy mountain biking. I took that as code for "Head to the desert". Never one to go against my pt's wishes, we did just that.
And OMG OMG OMG it was rad. Well, to be honest, the 60mph sandstorm on Saturday night was decidedly NOT rad. But the rest of it was. I rode my bike on some flowy, smooth singletrack (spinning easily of course) and spent a crazy amount of time taking pictures of scenery when I should have been riding. The kids buried themselves in sand (well, Hazel buried herself in sand. Tygh just looked around in bewilderment). Brian raced and then rode some more.
It was successful weekend despite the sandstorm driving us to a motel on Saturday night. While we do have a trailer, the prospect of spending 12+ hours with all 4 of us in our miniscule 50 square feet while sand made its way into every nook and cranny was less than appealing. We are not proud. And we all slept 9-11 hours snug and sand-free in our motel room (Tygh continues to WIN on these trips, logging 11-12 hours of continuous sleep. We are planning on keeping him.).
We will be back to Fruita in 2 weeks. I am counting the HOURS.
Desert Rat. In a Bumbo.
Now, he's a hood ornament. He's a versatile baby.
Off to ride. Hazel is wearing her nightgown because apparently nightgowns are appropriate desert attire. Also, I learned long ago that the fight about clothing choices? NOT WORTH IT.
Brian rescues our camp furniture from the sand storm. I am still cleaning sand out of my ears.
Home for the night. The trailer was sad not to spend the night in the desert. I was not.
Pre-race. This was his first USAC race (vs. OBRA) and I have this to say: LONG LIVE OBRA! $45 for a 30 minute race?? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. You suck, USAC.
Start line. This was THREE fields. True story. Good job attracting amateur racers, USAC.
It was a windy during Brian's race. Super windy. The trailer served as a refuge for two kids who sort of not really care about bike racing.
My bike likes the trails off 18 Road.
Scenery and blue sky.
My bike also likes trails near Kokopelli's.
The mighty Colorado River. It doesn't compare to the might Columbia- it just offers more sun.
You see cool things when you ride a bike.