Closing weekend

Last weekend was closing weekend at Crested Butte so of course we went up both days. We couldn't miss the opportunity to get Hazel on skis for her last two days this winter (I think she skied a total of 30 days. Mountain living FOR THE WIN.) and it was beautiful. Holding steady on the injured reserve list meant no skiing for me, especially telemark skiing. I hung out a lot with my favorite baby and soaked up the sun.

Oh yeah. And I did this.

THAT was super fun. Not skiing or anything else extreme. But super fun nonetheless. Brian hiked the peak on Saturday and texted me a million gazillion amazing pictures that only served to increase my resolve to never ever ever have any more children (due to the injury and all).

For my extreme cred, I got to watch Hazel take some high fliers on the trampoline bungee thing. Granted, it's not crazy or anything but I gotta admit: watching her on that thing was pretty much the most fun I had all week. No lie.

Oh yeah. One more thing. My pt released me to do some road biking easy. So I did. And I was super happy about it.

No comments on the helmet. That was my "oh shit I crashed in a crit and now I need a new helmet ASAP" helmet. I have since acquired a helmet that is 1)not a kid's helmet and 2)does not have a ridiculous design.

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